Hallo Freunde,
ich wollte mal abseits von Poolgruppen hier vllt einen (hoffentlich bald) großen Sammelthread zu Warhammer 40K aufmachen.
alles rund um Freihändler, Schattenjäger, Dämonenanbeter, Imnperialen Soldaten und SpaceMarines
Grundregelwerk Freihändler zZ bei 2,5 €...
einfach kaufen
Neuigkeiten zur neuen Warhammer 40.000 Rollenspiel (Wrath & Glory) Regelmechanik. (http://mailchi.mp/97ebeeae56cb/wrath-glory-newsletter-november-2017)
Bekämpfen die sich alle untereinander oder würde Nurgle eventuell eine Tyranniden Invasion gutheißen?
Pertinent information:
- W&G will have a Free RPG Day offering (June 16th)
Ulisses will demo the game at Origins 2018 (June 13-17)
- The dice pool system scales better than the old percentile system
- Corruption & Insanity has been integrated into the mechanics and will be subtle
- Basic guideline for new players - 4+ is good; 6 is best
- Characters are well balanced against each other - you can play almost anything in the 40K background
- 4 species and 32 character archetypes in the core book, and many more on the way
- Corsair, Warlock, and Ranger art has been released - and one would guess these are archetypes
- You can play any of the old FFG themes with the new system from Gritty to Deathwatch
- PCs can move through Tiers as they progress - new Keyword, more Influence, special gear, and life event that put him there
The Tier System
- - - Balances characters
- - - Provides appropriate threats
- - - Limits dice pools - higher Tiers throw more dice
- There will be "quickstart packages" that allow you to play quickly if you prefer to start right away, or you can do everything yourself
- Investigation system is in book
- Influence system for asserting authority and acquiring gear is in the book
- Wargear detail in core book is at "Boltgun" level as opposed to "XX Pattern Boltgun"
- No tracking each bullet, just generalized reloads
Imperial psykers, Rogue psykers, Eldar Warlocks are in game
- "Perils of the Warp" make psychic powers potentially dangerous
- NPCs operate on somewhat different, but very similar, rules
- There are Mobs as NPCs - a group of mooks - that makes mass opponents easier to run
- Imperium Nihilus (Dark Imperium) and Imperium Sanctis are the two sides of the Great Rift
- Operating in the new background means the universe is much more threatening
- W&G will have its own area of space, the Gilead System, which will have its own campaign
- Further campaigns will have their own areas of space, but may start/link to Gilead
- The meta-plot will not overshadow PC actions - connected, but PCs choice will be most important aspect
- Ulisses is coordinating closely with GW on background and events as GW advances the meta
- Ulisses will introduce new things particular to their sandbox as well as those established by GW
- Ross will be at Origins & GenCon, as well as a few local cons
- Imperium Nihilus sourcebook will be in 2018
Warhammer 40K Rollenspiel deutsch (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?filters=0_0_0_0_40051&keywords=warhammer&site=&test_epoch=0¤cy=EUR?affiliate_id=467346)
Schattenjäger: Horror-Setting der Inquisition
Freihändler: Piraten im All
Deathwatch: Paladin Monsterslayer Party
Black Crusade: Finsterlinge selber spielen
das ist Ulisses :D
und nein, die bleiben so bis das neue WH40K von U. raus kommt.
gibt immer mal wieder vereinzelte Angebote von denen, um Dezember herum gabs 10% etwa
GIbt es eigentlich ein Forum, welches sich mit Warhammer RPG befasst und nicht eingeschlafen ist (egal ob englscih oder deutsch)?
Ich kenne zwar den entsprechenden Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/40krpg/) aber ein wirklich aktives Forum ist mir fremd....
Das Alte Welt Forum ist tot, der "Nachfolger" Kriegshammer ist imho eine Todgeburt... :-\
79 Mitglieder
110 Themen
1.030 Beiträge (8,17 Beiträge pro Tag)
Must see (https://youtu.be/mfGPMJ8A0QY)
Hörbücher ohne EndeCool. Nur leider ist Englisch nicht grade meine Stärke :(
Hat jemand eine gesteigerte Meinung zu WnG?WnG? Ich würde es gerne mal lesen aber dann denke ich dran. Es ist von Ulisses ... Ich kann mir keine Produkte von denen mehr kaufen. Das kann ich einfach nicht ... es geht nicht ... Ich habs versucht ... wirklich ... nein, es geht einfach nicht ...
Bei Discord nehme ich grade Seite für Seite das Regelwerk auseinander.
Grade neu entdeckt:
Ich spiele einen Priestersoldatenabschaumheileradeptenakolyth
ist nur eine geupdatete Version, weil die alte mega falsch war.
Ein Errata von Games Workshop bzw. Cubicle 7.
Ich glaube nicht, dass sie 2.0 drauf schreiben, das wäre wohl wahrlich der Tod des neuen Systems
Revised Edition hieß es mal, aber kann sich natürlich auch geändert haben.
Da es keinen Kurze Frage - Kurze Antwort 40K Thread gibt (Shame *Ding Ding*) haue ich das mal hier rein :D
Hat jemand konkrete Infos dazu, wie die Imperial Guard/Navy beim initialen Angriff Truppen absetzen, insbesondere mit schwerem Gerät bzw Großfahrzeugen? Und falls ja, finden sich irgendwo nähere Größenangaben zu den Dropships?
Da es keinen Kurze Frage - Kurze Antwort 40K Thread gibt (Shame *Ding Ding*) haue ich das mal hier rein :D
Hat jemand konkrete Infos dazu, wie die Imperial Guard/Navy beim initialen Angriff Truppen absetzen, insbesondere mit schwerem Gerät bzw Großfahrzeugen? Und falls ja, finden sich irgendwo nähere Größenangaben zu den Dropships?
Die Titanen werden mit Kasernenschiffen abgesetzt. Die heißen schlicht Großtransporter und beherbergen dann eben ihre 10.000+
Was findet ihr eigentlich am Interessantesten für Rollenspiel?Ich würde wahnsinnig gerne eine Kampagne in 30k spielen, bei der man noch als normaler Mensch in einer Art Prolog startet und dann als Marine vom Loyalisten zum Verräter wird im Zuge der Ereignisse um Horus, Istvan etc bis hin zum Kampf um Terra.
30K Horus Heresy, M41 oder sogar M42?
His Glorious Shield presents an exciting location for use in your next game of Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Imperium Maledictum. Set on the icy world of Jotungarth, this supplement explores a single city-ship and its citizens. More akin to a floating hive than a sea-faring vessel, His Glorious Shield sails the frigid waters of Jotungarth, processing the ocean’s bounty into nutrient paste for shipment throughout the Macharian Sector and raising stout recruits for the Jotungarth Regimentum. This packed PDF includes;
- A fascinating cast of characters, each with their own motivations, plot hooks, and noble (or nefarious) plans.
- A detailed look at His Glorious Shield as a setting, and suggestions for how to use it in your next campaign
- Advice on how to use the supplement with Patrons of each faction and on which NPCs might make good Patrons in their own right.
- A guide to the most influential factions of the ship, from Captain Vaalgard and her officers, through the uncompromising fanatics of the Peerless Sun, to the enigmatic Bilge Lord and his loyal, if somewhat unpredictable, gangers.
Recent Releases
- Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Wrath & Glory: Aeldari Inheritance of Embers
- Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Wrath & Glory: Pilgrims of the Waste PDF
- Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Imperium Maledictum Inquisition Player’s Guide and PDF & Collector’s Edition Slipcase (Gone up for Pre-Order)
Upcoming Releases
*dates are current best estimates and subject to change
Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Imperium Maledictum
- Inquisition GM’s Guide Pre-Order & PDF Q4 2024 (SOON)
- Macharian Requisition Guide Pre-Order and PDF Q4 2024 (SOON)
- Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Imperium Maledictum: Interminable Devotion PDF Q4 2024 (SOON)
- Voll Adventures Pre-Order and PDF Q1 2025
- Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Imperium Maledictum, Starter Set Physical Q1 2025z
Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Wrath & Glory
- The Shards of Ul-Khari PDF Q4 2024
- Vow of Absolution, and Threat Assessment: Daemons & Heretics in stores Q1 2025
Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Imperium Maledictum Inquisition GM's Guide
Inquisitor Lord Hieronymo Drake is dead. Much like the sector itself, the Macharian Inquisition is in disarray — but one Inquisitor has risen to the challenge of uniting them in Conclave. Beyond the countless heretics, daemonic influences and foul xenos lurks a threat that, left unchecked, could consume the whole sector. Can the conclave’s Inquisitors and acolytes put their shadow wars aside and work together to purge this threat before it threatens the entire Imperium?
The Inquisition Guides bring the Holy Orders of the Emperor’s Inquisition to life at your gaming table. This second half of a thrilling two-book set for Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Imperium Maledictum, the Inquisition GM’s Guide gives you all the tools and content you need to craft unforgettable and perilous investigations for your players and their acolytes.
- A deep dive into Inquisitorial Philosophies: how they can influence an Inquisitor’s decisions, shape their goals, and hook characters into further missions.
- A collection of GM advice for running Inquisition Investigations: tips on roleplaying characters, how to seed in clues, Chaos corruption and daemonic influence.
- Six sample Inquisitor Patrons with rich histories and motivations — any of them could be the perfect ally or secret enemy for your party.
- The Heresies Macharia Campaign — a decades-spanning adventure where players will travel all across the sector and face every kind of threat, all while rooting out deadly mysteries and corruption within the Inquisition itself.
- A roster of inquisitorial Contacts for players to interact with and a collection of deadly Sector Threats to seed into your campaigns — as driving antagonists or obstacles.
The Inquisition GM's Guide requires the Imperium Maledictum Core Rulebook to play. It brings the focus in on Inquisition-themed adventures, adding new elements to your ongoing campaign, or setting you up for a brand new adventure. The Inquisition Player’s Guide completes this two-book set, containing all the tools and new rules you need to build and outfit acolytes and their Inquisitor Patrons!
Pre-Order Shipping Q2/Q3 2025
Purchased the Inquisition Player’s Guide before the 17th of December? Check your inbox! You should have a discount code redeemable against the Inquisition Gamemaster’s Guide to help offset the cost of shipping. Haven’t purchased the Inquisition Player’s Guide yet? What are you waiting for! Order along with the Inquisition Gamemaster’s Guide today and combine both to save on shipping.
All orders of this product from Cubicle 7 include a PDF Version that will be emailed to you upon purchase.
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2024